About us

H.E.M.Y.S Inc

Here at H.E.M.Y.S We are devoted to an organizational philosophy of “whole health” and core values that promote our continual commitment to enhancing the lives of individuals, families and the community.

With this is in mind, our families and communities can better provide the best environment when armed with the resources and strengths necessary to accomplish goals and develop self-sustainability.

We strongly believe that true sustaining changes are only achieved by positively impacting each system in our family’s lives. Therefore, our services are designed to address challenges presented in school, within the family unit and the community as a whole. Addressing each system simultaneously will foster to skills needed to successfully navigate and adapt to various situations in any setting.


 3050 Post Oak Blvd Suite 510
Houston, Tx 77056

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At Houston Empowering Minds Youth Services (HEMYS) is to inspire and motivate children / adolescents to achieve their goals and conquer adversity through positive, personal and passionate counseling, therapeutic interventions and strengthening the family unit as a whole.

Advancing mental wellness as the foundation of a healthy community. 

Encourages clients to set goals that reflect the individual’s personal, social, emotional, and educational growth. These goals will inspire the youth to strive for success, health, and wellness in all areas of their lives.

Inclusive Planning

Inclusive planning Rapid success come with diverse and inclusive feedback from our participant, employees, community and stakeholders

Integrated Healthcare

Interdisciplinary care coordination between medical, mental, addiction, and holistic professionals elevates promotion of health


We are skilled in developing long and short-term goals to help gain access to health opportunities meeting your wants and needs


Justin Moore
Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Moore enjoys over 10 years of senior leadership experience. He is an expert operations management, planning, budgeting, and consulting.



Mailing Address

3050 Post Oak Blvd Suite 510 Houston, Tx 77056

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